User Access Policy for GiraffeSpotter - Wildbook for Giraffe

This policy defines who may be given access to GiraffeSpotter and how access may be requested.


GiraffeSpotter - Wildbook for Giraffe is privately funded and managed jointly by Wild Me (a 501c3 non-profit organization in the United States), Giraffe Conservation Foundation, and San Diego Zoo Global.

This Wildbook provides standardized research software and analytical techniques for the study of giraffe. Access to this resource is provided free of charge to individuals or organizations selected according to the criteria of this policy. The number of new accounts that can be provided each year is limited by:

Requesting access

To request access to GiraffeSpotter, please see the section Request a Wildbook account on this page.

Request review

Requests for access to GiraffeSpotter are reviewed by the site managers within 60 days. The managers may also request outside assistance in reviewing your application.

The managers weigh these and other criteria when reviewing a request for access:

The final decision for a request is made the site managers. Responses are provided via email. GiraffeSpotter wishes to acknowledge in advance that not all valid requests for access can be approved due to limitations on available resources.

By invitation

GiraffeSpotter may choose to invite appropriate individuals to participate without a formal request for access. Invitations for access are reviewed in accordance with the criteria defined above.